What's going on late fam, Patrick here with our first blog post in over 3 years (our old vlogs disappeared along with our old site once we changed the look).
I wanted a place to document my experiences and ask some questions people have been asking. I also wanted a place to host some photos that hide in the depths of my hard drive and never see the light of day.
This will be a little more personal and longer format than Instagram. A little less business oriented since on IG I do need to sell product to make a living.

A little about me:
- Quit my job to do Ovrdue full time AGAIN about 8 months ago (I did Ovrdue for a year about 3 years ago and got a job opportunity in Japan)
- I love Japan as well as Japanese car and drifting so my content has a heavy bias to all things Japan
- As of writing this post I own a R34 Skyline (I was supposed to put it up for sale today, definitely procrastinating)
- I by no means have everything figured out and I don't think any of us need to have everything figured out. I put out my content to show that people make mistakes, are human, but are also able to achieve anything we put our minds to.
I didn't think writing the first blog post would be this hard but there's just so much that's happened since I've posted last. SO I just picked a day and decided to talk about it. I'll be able to fill in the gaps throughout the different blog entires.
This place right here is one of my favorite convenience stores (konbini) in Japan. In my opinion they have the best fried chicken in Japan (fami-chiki) a long with other snacks, drinks, and sometimes drift magazines.
I just painted my wheels white and it was only right that I rewarded myself with some coconut milk tapioca from Family Mart. Reverse parked the Skyline (as everyone does here) and shot a couple photos of the new set up.
Later that night my friend Brandon sent me a text saying I had some mail (I've been sending mail to his house since I've been moving around for the passed 8 months). I had a package of Ovrdue stickers from the US and some sample dad hats I've been waiting on for over a month. COVID-19 has extremely delayed mail to Japan and most of our product is produced in the US.
Brandon also has his own car clothing brand called After930 (because most the time we hang out is after 9:30). We shot some product shots of the stickers and hats, including the collaboration sticker we did Ovr930. Shot the shit and I went on my way.
Not without grabbing a quick shot of these iconic tail lights of course.
All-in-all I've been facing challenges running a brand in a country where I can't speak or understand the primary language but it's all part of the process. Looking to visit the States in the coming month to sort some things out like get an actual cell phone plan, find a clothing providers, host a drift event, and as long as Clean Culture San Diego isn't cancelled we'll have a booth there.
Talk to you more next blog, until then
Stay Late
Stay Ovrdue